• About

  • About

We are a specialist digital marketing agency for blue brands.

We are a specialist digital marketing agency for blue brands.

Blue Brands,
it’s in our blood.

Launched in 2012 as a Social Media Management company naturally attracting some of Australia’s more conservative brands, Aston Digital evolved to become a team of digital marketing experts with a deep understanding of what it takes to promote Blue Brands.

Over the past decade, Aston Digital has helped Blue Brand’s large and small, private, public and government better understand their digital marketing strategies, better implement them and overall get more out of their digital marketing.

Aston Digital Team Photoshoot
Aston Digital Team Photoshoot
  • Our Leadership Team

Get to know the faces behind Aston Digital…

Daniel Martin
Daniel Martin
  • Partner

People, technology and business are at the core of everything Daniel puts his hand to, and have been the guiding principles behind the formation of his first business, digital marketing agency, Aston Digital (formerly Aston Social).

Working with his clients, Daniel identified a pressing need for businesses to connect quickly and directly with consumers.

The distinct lack of connection between business outcomes and social media strategy became apparent, precipitating the launch of Aston Digital’s specialist strategy development program.

Ellen Roumeliotis
  • Partner

You’d never guess when looking at Ellen that she is an avid sports fan ready to scream at the umpires and put everyone else’s sport trivia knowledge to shame.

With a strong background in journalism and array of experience to boot, Ellen knows a story when she sees one. Without a full stop or comma out of place our favourite grammar inspector ensures every written word has its place and delivers the message meaningfully.

Ellen’s organisation, motivation and determination means she always delivers the highest quality work, even to the tightest of deadlines.

Elena Diamantoupoulou
  • Account Manager

When she’s not mixing decks, Elena is mixing content. The creative brains of our team, Elena has a strong background in graphic design, video, music and writing. She’s the social media quadrella!

Elena’s passion for connecting with audiences shines through in every post, as she effortlessly blends creativity with strategy to leave a lasting impression. With her finger on the pulse of social trends and an innate understanding of what makes content share-worthy, Elena transforms ideas into impactful online experiences.

Digital Marketing for ‘Blue Brands’

At Aston Digital, we support marketing team leaders from ‘blue brands’ using our Digital Brand Story Framework to deliver highly effective marketing campaigns. This framework outlines how to successfully promote your product, service or idea, get that much desired business or career growth and avoid failing in your job or your business ceasing to grow.

Aston Digital Team Photoshoot
  • Core Values

About Us: we enjoy bringing new ideas to life

With our 12+ years of experience in digital marketing, our team has the ability to convey the right message, on the right platform, in the right way, at the right time. Whether it’s web, social media or Google, our team has all the tools and skills to get the job done right for any brand.

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