Frequently Asked Questions2024-07-02T06:13:09+10:00

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to Aston Digital’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page, designed to provide you with quick and comprehensive answers to common queries about our products and services. Whether you’re a prospective client, an existing customer, or simply curious about what we offer, this page aims to address your inquiries effectively.

At Aston Digital, we understand the importance of clarity and transparency in our communication with you. Our FAQ page serves as a resource to demystify various aspects of our business, ensuring you have the information you need right at your fingertips.

What You’ll Find Here:

Our Agency: Find out about how to engage our agency’s services, what you can expect and how our billing works.

Digital Marketing: Learn more about our range of innovative digital marketing solutions, including detailed descriptions, features, and benefits.

Social Media Marketing: Explore the social media marketing services we provide and get answers to some common Social Media Marketing questions.

Google Ads: Answers to the most frequently asked questions about advertising on Google.

Search Engine Optimisation: Discover how we approach the complex and confusing world of Search Engine Optimisation.

Website Development: Need a website developed? Find answers to some of your most commonly considered questions.

Email Marketing: Learn about how email marketing can genuinely help your brand, and how Aston Digital delivers it.

What is the process of web design in Melbourne?2024-07-23T16:31:00+10:00

Aston Digital will develop your website design through a structured process:

  1. Discovery: Understanding your digital marketing strategy, goals, and target audience.
  2. Planning: Creating a sitemap and wireframes to outline site structure and functionality.
  3. Design: Crafting visual elements, including layout, colours, typography, and imagery.
  4. Development: Building the website using HTML/CSS, integrating backend systems if needed.
  5. Testing: Ensuring functionality, compatibility, and responsiveness across devices.
  6. Launch: Deploying the site and monitoring for any issues.
  7. Optimisation: Fine-tuning based on user feedback and analytics to improve performance and achieve business objectives.

Agencies like Aston Digital manage each step meticulously to deliver a cohesive, user-friendly website that aligns with your brand identity and engages your audience effectively.

Why should I use an agency for my website design?2024-07-23T16:27:02+10:00

Choosing an agency such as Aston Digital for your web design ensures expert craftsmanship in crafting a customised, top-tier website that reflects your brand’s objectives. We excel in design, UX/UI, and SEO, ensuring your site not only impresses visually but also drives engagement and conversions effectively.

We stay current with industry trends and technologies to maintain a competitive advantage. Agencies like Aston Digital provide full support from initial concept through launch and beyond, ensuring efficiency, scalability, and ongoing maintenance. This allows you to prioritise your core business goals while we keep your website secure and updated.

Why is having a high quality web design important for my brand?2024-07-23T16:22:11+10:00
  1. First Impressions: Your website is often the first interaction potential customers have with your brand. A well-designed site creates a positive first impression, reflecting professionalism and credibility.
  2. User Experience (UX): Good web design enhances usability and navigation, making it easy for visitors to find information and take desired actions. A seamless UX keeps users engaged and encourages them to return.
  3. Brand Identity: The design elements, colour scheme, typography, and imagery used on your website should align with your brand identity. Consistency across all touch points reinforces brand recognition and strengthens brand recall.
  4. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation): Elements of web design, such as mobile responsiveness, page load speed, and structured data markup, impact SEO rankings. A optimised site improves visibility in search engine results, driving organic traffic.
  5. Competitive Advantage: In a crowded marketplace, a visually appealing and functional website sets you apart from competitors. It conveys professionalism and trustworthiness, influencing purchasing decisions.
  6. Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO): Effective web design incorporates persuasive elements like clear calls-to-action (CTAs) and intuitive navigation, increasing the likelihood of converting visitors into customers.
  7. Adaptability: A responsive design ensures your website looks and functions well across different devices and screen sizes, accommodating the growing number of mobile users.

Overall, high-quality web design enhances user satisfaction, strengthens brand perception, supports digital marketing efforts, and ultimately contributes to business growth and success.

What is web design?2024-07-23T16:19:29+10:00

Web design refers to the process of planning, creating, and arranging elements on a website to achieve a visually appealing and functional layout. It encompasses various disciplines, including graphic design, interface design, user experience (UX) design, and search engine optimisation (SEO).

Effective web design involves understanding the website’s purpose and target audience to create a design that aligns with both aesthetic preferences and usability requirements. Key considerations include layout, your brand style guide, colour scheme, typography, navigation structure, and interactive elements like buttons and forms.

Good web design not only focuses on aesthetics but also prioritises usability and user experience. It aims to guide visitors seamlessly through the website, ensuring they can find information easily and navigate intuitively. Additionally, web design should be responsive, meaning the layout adapts to different screen sizes and devices, providing a consistent experience across desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Overall, web design plays a crucial role in enhancing a website’s functionality, user engagement, and overall success.

How much does web design cost in Melbourne?2024-07-23T06:14:16+10:00

The cost of designing a website can vary widely based on factors like complexity, features, and the quality of the design.

For a web design in Melbourne, prices typically range from $2,000 to $10,000 AUD. More complex websites with custom designs, e-commerce functionality, or advanced features can cost anywhere from $15,000 to $60,000 or more. Factors like ongoing maintenance, updates, and additional services (like SEOĀ orĀ content creation) also affect the total cost.

To get a specific quote based on your requirements, contact Aston Digital and receive a customised web design proposal.

Whatā€™s the difference between web design and website development?2024-07-23T06:09:16+10:00

Web design primarily focuses on the visual aesthetics and user experience of a website. It involves creating layouts, selecting colours, typography, and overall graphical elements to enhance usability and appeal.

On the other hand,Ā website developmentĀ involves the technical implementation and functionality of the website. It includes writing code, integrating databases, and ensuring the website functions smoothly across different devices and browsers. While web design is about how a website looks and feels, website development deals with how it works and operates behind the scenes to deliver a seamless user experience.

How can web design impact SEO?2024-07-23T06:08:17+10:00

Web design impactsĀ SEOĀ by influencing critical factors like site structure, page speed, and mobile responsiveness. A well-structured website with intuitive navigation makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index content. Fast-loading pages contribute positively to search rankings, as does mobile-friendly design, crucial with Googleā€™s mobile-first indexing. Additionally, user-friendly design elements such as readable typography and intuitive layouts enhance user experience, leading to lower bounce rates and longer visit durations, which are favourable for SEO performance.

What is responsive web design?2024-07-23T06:07:38+10:00

Responsive web design is a method of designing and coding websites to ensure they adapt smoothly to various screen sizes and devices. By using flexible grids, layouts, and CSS media queries, responsive design adjusts the websiteā€™s appearance and functionality based on the userā€™s device, whether itā€™s a desktop, tablet, or mobile phone. This approach aims to provide an optimal viewing experience, ensuring content is easily accessible and navigation remains intuitive across different platforms.

What is content creation?2024-07-23T04:53:18+10:00

Content creation refers to the process of generating ideas, planning, researching, writing, designing, and producing various types of content for digital and traditional media platforms. It involves crafting information or creative materials that are intended to engage, inform, entertain, or persuade a specific audience.

There are several types of content that businesses commonly engage a Content Creation Agency for:

  • Written Content: Articles, blog posts, eBooks, white papers, case studies, etc.
  • Visual Content: Infographics, images, illustrations, graphics, slideshows, etc.
  • Audio Content: Podcast episodes, voiceovers, audio guides, etc.
  • Video Content: Videos, animations, tutorials, webinars, etc.
  • Social Media Content: Posts, updates, stories, memes, etc.
  • Interactive Content: Quizzes, polls, interactive infographics, calculators, assessments, contests, etc.
  • User-Generated Content (UGC): User reviews, testimonials, social media posts, and submissions to contests or challenges.
  • Live Streaming: Facebook live, Instagram live, YouTube live, etc.

Each type of content creation serves different purposes and engages audiences in unique ways, allowing businesses to leverage diverse strategies to connect with their target markets effectively.

Why work with a content creation agency?2024-07-23T04:53:29+10:00

Hiring a content creation agency, like Aston Digital, can hugely benefit businesses in a few key ways. First off, we have a team of experts who are really good at things like writing, editing, and making sure your content shows up well in search engines. We make sure your brandā€™s message stays consistent and strong across all the content we create, which helps build a solid brand image.

Agencies also offer flexibility. Whether you need a little bit of content now and then or a big, coordinated marketing push, we can adjust our efforts to meet your needs. This is great for keeping up with busy times or when youā€™re launching something new and need a lot of content quickly.

Lastly, outsourcing to an agency can be cost-effective. Despite higher upfront costs compared to an internal marketing team, using an agency saves money in the long run by handling everything from start to finish. We have access to tools and technology that make your content more effective, leading to a higher ROI.

Overall, working with a content agency allows you to focus on what your business does best.Ā Our team of expertsĀ take care of ensuring your message reaches the right people in the best way possible.

How much does content creation cost in Melbourne?2024-07-23T04:53:39+10:00

The cost of working with a content creation agency in MelbourneĀ can vary widely depending on several factors such as the scope of work, the complexity of the content, the level of customisation required and the expertise of the agency.

Typically, agencies in Melbourne may charge anywhere from AUD $200 to AUD $500 per hour for content creation services. For larger projects or ongoing content needs, a business will opt for package deals or monthly retainers. Content creation and social media marketing packages could range from AUD $1,000 to AUD $10,000 or more per month. Again, the cost of content creation depends on the specifics of the project and the agencyā€™s pricing structure. Read more aboutĀ how much social media marketing costs in Australia.

Here at Aston Digital, we work on fixed monthly retainers for content creation. This allows us to maximise the ROI for our clients. We create an entirely customised package for your business based on your specific content creation needs and goals.

Use ourĀ Pricing Budget EstimatorĀ to get an idea of how much our agencies Content Creation services cost.

Why is high quality content so important?2024-07-23T04:53:52+10:00

In todayā€™s digital world, where countless pieces of content are posted daily, making an impact requires top-notch content. This means content thatā€™s well-crafted and meets your audienceā€™s needs. Good content stands out and stops the thumb from scrolling, while poor content gets lost online.

Putting effort into your brandā€™s content pays off. It helps you build authority, attract new subscribers and followers, increase website visits, engage customers, and boost sales.

What services do content creation agencies provide?2024-07-23T03:31:25+10:00

Content creation agencies offer a variety of services aimed at developing, managing, and optimising content across different platforms. Some of the key services provided by content creation agencies include:

  1. Content Strategy Development: Planning and creating a approach to content creation aligned with your business’s broader digital marketing strategy, goals and audience needs.
  2. Content Writing and Copywriting: Crafting compelling and informative written content for websites, blogs, articles, advertisements, and more.
  3. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Content: Creating content that is optimised for search engines to improve visibility and organic search rankings.
  4. Social Media Content Creation: Developing engaging posts, graphics, and videos tailored for various social media platforms to increase engagement and followers.
  5. Graphic Design and Visual Content: Designing visuals such as infographics, illustrations, and images that complement written content and enhance visual appeal.
  6. Video Production: Planning, filming, and editing videos for marketing campaigns, tutorials, product demonstrations, and more.
  7. Podcast Production: Creating audio content, including scripting, recording, editing, and publishing podcasts for brand awareness and audience engagement.
  8. Email Newsletter Creation: Writing and designing newsletters to inform and engage subscribers with updates, promotions, and valuable content.
  9. Content Editing and Proofreading: Ensuring content is error-free, well-structured, and aligns with brand guidelines before publication.
  10. Content Distribution and Promotion: Strategising and executing plans to distribute content effectively across channels, including social media, email, websites, and more.
  11. Content Performance Analytics: Monitoring and analysing content performance metrics such as engagement, conversions, and ROI to optimize future content strategies.
  12. Content Consulting and Social Media Training: Providing expertise, guidance, and training on content marketing best practices, strategy development, and implementation.

These services can be tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses ranging from startups to large enterprises, helping them attract, engage, and convert their target audience through effective content marketing strategies.

How do I choose the best content creation agency for my business?2024-07-23T03:27:06+10:00

Choosing the best content creation agency for your business involves several key considerations to ensure they can effectively meet your needs and align with your goals:

1. Define Your Goals and Needs: Clarify what specific content you need (e.g., blog posts, social media content, SEO articles) and what outcomes you expect (e.g., increased traffic, brand awareness, conversions).

2. Evaluate Experience and Expertise: Look for agencies with relevant experience in your industry or with similar businesses. Check their portfolio, client testimonials, and case studies to see if they have successfully achieved results similar to what you’re aiming for.

3. Assess Quality of Work: Review samples of their previous work to gauge the quality of their content. Ensure it aligns with your brand voice, is engaging, well-written, and optimised for SEO if necessary.

4. Consider Services Offered: Ensure the company offers the specific services you need, such as content strategy, writing, editing, SEO optimisation, and distribution across different platforms.

5. Check Reputation and Reviews: Research the company’s reputation online, including reviews on platforms like Google, LinkedIn, or industry-specific directories. Positive reviews and testimonials can indicate reliability and client satisfaction.

6. Understand Process and Communication: Learn about their content creation process, project management approach, and communication methods. Clear and timely communication is crucial for successful collaboration.

7. Discuss Budget and Pricing: Compare pricing structures among different companies and ensure they fit within your budget. Be clear about any additional costs or fees that may apply.

8. Seek Long-Term Partnership: Look for a company that shows interest in understanding your long-term goals and offers ongoing support and optimisation of content.

9. Compatibility and Culture Fit: Consider how well the company aligns with your business values, culture, and communication style. A good fit culturally can lead to smoother collaboration and better results.

10. Ask for Recommendations: Seek recommendations from peers or industry contacts who have worked with content creation agencies. Personal referrals can provide valuable insights.

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can choose a content creation agency that not only meets your immediate needs but also supports your long-term business growth and success.

What questions should I ask content creation agencies before hiring one?2024-07-23T03:24:03+10:00

When hiring a content creation agency, it’s essential to ask targeted questions to ensure they can meet your needs effectively. Begin by inquiring about their experience in your industry and request example case studies of past projects. Clarify the specific services they offer and their process for content creation and strategy alignment with your brand story.

  • Understand how they measure content success and if they can provide metrics or case studies demonstrating tangible results.
  • Learn about the team’s qualifications and roles, ensuring they have the necessary expertise (e.g., writers, designers, SEO specialists).
  • Discuss project management practices, communication methods, and their flexibility in handling revisions and feedback.
  • Inquire about pricing structures, payment terms, and any additional costs.
  • Lastly, ask about their approach to long-term content planning and support.

These questions will help gauge their capabilities, reliability, and compatibility with your business goals before committing to a partnership.

What are the top content creation agencies in Melbourne?2024-07-23T03:19:15+10:00

In Melbourne, Australia, Aston Digital ( stands out as a leading content creation agency, renowned for its comprehensive services in strategy, creation, and distribution of content. Alongside Aston Digital, other notable content creation agencies in the market include:

  • King Content: Offers a range of content marketing solutions, emphasising strategy and distribution.
  • Edge Marketing: Known for its strategic approach to content creation and digital marketing services.
  • Icon Agency: Provides integrated marketing communications services, including creative content creation and digital strategy.
  • Thinkerbell: Renowned for innovative content creation and effective brand strategy.

These agencies are recognized for their expertise in crafting impactful content and helping businesses achieve their marketing objectives in Melbourne’s competitive landscape.

Is quantity or quality more important when it comes to content creation?2024-07-23T03:13:55+10:00

Every content creator inevitably confronts a critical decision: Should they prioritise content quality or quantity?

To achieve ambitious growth goals for your brand, both are essential.

Without quality, your content won’t engage or resonate with your audience enough to convert or be shared. Without quantity, your efforts may not have the necessary impact to drive significant results, potentially leading your marketing budget towards performance marketing.

Nearly every brand reaches a point where internal capacity limits their production output, leading to bottlenecks. This is where our expertise service in content creation can make a difference.

Whatā€™s the minimum Google Ads investment you recommend for SMEs?2024-05-29T01:29:15+10:00

As a bare minimum, we donā€™t take on projects with a media budget below $1,000 per month. We cannot deliver you any value with a media spend sub $1,000.

How much does social media cost?2024-05-29T01:28:57+10:00

There are a number of variables when it comes to pricing social media services. Please refer to our guide ā€˜How much does social media marketing cost in Australia?ā€™ to get a better understanding of what you should be budgeting.

What is the difference between on-page and off-page SEO?2024-05-29T01:28:31+10:00

On-page SEO refers to optimisation tactics that are implemented directly on your website. These strategies focus on improving various elements within your website to make it more search engine friendly and user-friendly.

Off-page SEO takes place outside of the website itself and involves activities aimed at improving its authority, relevance and reputation on the internet. Off-page SEO primarily revolves around link building and social signals.

How long does it take to see results from SEO engagement?2024-05-29T01:28:06+10:00

It can take several months to see significant results from SEO management efforts, as it takes time for search engines to crawl and index new content. However, small improvements in rankings and traffic can often be seen within a few weeks.

Is there a contract?2024-05-29T01:27:42+10:00

Some retainer services carry a commitment period, others do not. Social Media

Management and Routine SEO Optimisation carry a 3 month commitment period. Social Media/Digital Advertising carries a 1 month commitment period.

How do payments work?2024-05-29T01:27:21+10:00

Retainer based services are charged monthly in advance. One-off or project fees are charged either 50% upon commencement and 50% on completion or on a milestone basis.

What reporting will be provided?2024-05-29T01:26:28+10:00

Depending on the services you’ve engaged us for, a variety of different reports will be provided. These are generally either weekly or monthly.

How will you get to know my brand?2024-05-29T01:26:12+10:00

Exploration and experience is the answer. In the project kick off meeting your account manager will ask lots of questions to get to know the foundation of your brand. During that meeting requests are made for existing content for example brochures, logos, videos, photos, any prior work that’s been done.

During the course of the first month we’ll receive lots of feedback from you regarding content, branding, styling, language and content. It’s through this process that we learn and get closer and closer to your brand. Don’t be afraid to give us feedback!

Will I have a dedicated Account Manager?2024-05-29T01:25:24+10:00

Yes, absolutely. You will be allocated a dedicated Account Manager who is responsible for delivery of all of your marketing across all channels and activities. Your Account Manager will liaise with all the required Aston Digital team members to achieve the outcome required. You will only ever have to talk to one person.

How to Navigate:

Navigating through our FAQs is simple. You can browse through categories or use the search function to find specific topics of interest. Each answer is crafted to be clear and informative, addressing common concerns or inquiries based on our extensive experience in the industry.

Your Feedback Matters:

We strive to continuously improve our services and the information we provide. Your feedback is invaluable to us. If you have suggestions for additional questions or topics you’d like us to cover, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Contact Us:

Should you require further clarification beyond what’s covered in our FAQs, our friendly team is here to assist you. Contact us directly via phone, email, or through our website contact form, and we’ll be happy to address any additional questions or concerns.

Thank you for visiting Aston Digital’s FAQ page. We hope you find the information here helpful as you navigate through our offerings.