Recruiting new team members using Social Media

Recruiting new staff using Social Media

Recruiting via Social Media

Filling those ‘difficult roles’ is always a challenge.

Hiring new team members that are the right fit for your business is always a challenge.

That challenge can become even harder when the role you’re trying to fill is a particularly unique one.

  • You know the kind of person who is the perfect fit

  • Your position description is clear and well defined

  • You have a robust and inviting hiring process

  • Finding the right person is just really really hard

If this sounds like you, then Social Media could be the ideal channel to incorporate into your recruitment methodology.

Understanding Audience
Locations & Interests

Given the plethora of digital and social media platforms available in today’s age, locating where your perfect hire spends their time can be a challenge.

Compounding this problem is the fact that people use different platforms for different reasons. Meaning, they are likely to consume one type of message on one platform, and a different message on another.

Ultimately to reach the audience within which your perfect hire resides, you must publish across multiple platforms with multi-variant content testing to see what gets picked up where.

Recruiting Via Social Media

Testing Message & Content Formats

Recruiting the right team member is all about reaching them. First you must be found and your message seen.

The challenge for hiring managers is compounded by:

  • Competitors grabbing attention

  • Short attention span of target audiences

  • Hyper niche nature of some roles

  • Digital media landscape constantly evolving

  • Visual format of content on varied platforms

Our Social Media Recruitment Methodology

Start with your brand’s culture

The backbone of every good hiring strategy is your brand’s culture. Understanding your culture helps us to know who to target, what to publish and where.

Publish, test, rinse and repeat

After crafting a number of creative variants based on your brands culture, we then commence publication of content & ads.

During the attraction phase of the recruitment process, the content and ads targeting will vary greatly, aimed at capturing the attention of as many different prospective hires as possible.


Our Social Media Recruitment Method

Our Social Media Recruitment Method








Messages that resonate with your perfect hire.

To find your perfect hire, we create multiple different versions of your brands messages, disseminated in a multitude of variations. It’s our job to create, test, measure and vary the message to attract the right candidate.

Consistently varying your message means:

  • Picking sub-sets of your brands message to share
  • Using a variety of different creative formats (image, video, etc…)
  • Leveraging each platforms ad targeting options
  • Presenting the same message multiple ways
  • Emotive calls to action to garner applications

Integrated multi-platform applicant attraction strategies

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