Social Media Fan Acquisition

Having a social media presence is one thing, but if you’ve got no-one to talk to then it’s pretty pointless! Knowing how to and having a plan for growing your audience, fan base and following is a vital part of your social media management.

There is an myriad of possibilities for growing your social media follower-base starting with the typical Social Media advertising that everyone’s heard of through to more complex competition methods, re-marketing, email marketing and offline campaign integration.

1. Social Media Advertising

Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, they all have their own social media advertising platforms. Understanding each of them and knowing exactly what they do for you along with how to use them is vital to maximising the ROI you get from your advertising investment.

Boosted posts, advert campaigns, carousels and videos, each have their own place in the system, their own function, value and efficacy.

Once you understand each of them, you can plan your campaigns and budget for each method then develop a roll-out plan to get the reach you’re really looking for.

2. Offline Promotions

Often digital managers tend to stick to their own realm for the promotion of social media activity and this is a mistake. There are huge opportunities in expanding your activities outside of the digital world and leveraging any marketing or advertising activities you’re doing off-line. Heck, it can even include your customer service calls – how well are these leveraged to grow your fan base?

3. Roll Out Plan

How are you going to roll out these activities? What’s going to happen and when? How much budget are you allocating to each activity? Essentially it’s important to know exactly where you’re going to spend your money, what the expected impact is going to be and how many new fans you’re expecting to get from it!

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