Building Blue Brands Online

Building Blue Brands Online

digital marketing strategy reporting

Building brand equity for ‘unsexy’ industries

It can be a challenge to build a brand in what is conventionally considered an ‘unsexy’ industry segment.

Capturing audience attention in a marketplace full of traditional business-to-consumer brands can be a challenge.

  • You know exactly who your ideal target customer is

  • You’re experts and specialists in your field

  • You’ve got a great current customer network

  • You really want to build your brand above it’s current audience

If this sounds like you, then a specialist approach to Social Media brand building is likely what you need.

Limited Content
Targeted Advertising

Capturing content for business-to-business brands can be difficult due to a variety of reasons and restrictions. Capturing interesting content can be even harder.

Adding to that challenge is the complexity of using advertising for your brand. You’ll need it because that’s what gets your additional eye-balls, but targeting the right audience is very tricky in a flooded consumer universe.

It becomes a fine balancing act between generating just enough content and spending just the right amount on advertising.

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Brand Exposure at a premium

Building the strength of a blue brand in a sea of red brands is about selective messages. There’s no point in a flood.

The challenge for blue brands is compounded by:

  • A flood of ‘sexy’ content from red brands

  • A comparatively small supply of target audience members

  • Niche nature of content and subject matter

  • Difficulty in sourcing origin content within the business

  • Confusion regarding which platforms to publish on

Credibility, Authority & Offers

Develop your Brand Story

The core of your brand awareness campaign is your digital brand story. Your brand story will rapidly form the pillars of the content to be published.

Publish Intelligence, Make Offers

When it comes to blue brands there is really only two main pillars of content production. Firstly, intelligent content that illustrates what you’re about and how smart you are.

Secondly, making offers to your audience. This doesn’t necessarily mean discounts or special deals, it means offering your product or services to your audience. This forms a surprisingly pivotal part of a blue brands awareness campaign as often audience members don’t actually know what they sell!

How a Social Media Agency Works in Australia
Aston Digital

Our Blue Brand Awareness Campaign Methodology

Our Blue Brand Awareness Campaign Methodology







Aston Digital social media

Brand Story based Content and Advertising

With your Brand Story developed, it’s time to start crafting and publishing the content that will build your blue brand. Tying in a bespoke array of digital advertising to expand your reach.

All of which means in real terms:

  • We develop your Digital Brand Story
  • The best possible platforms for your brand are chosen
  • Highly quality intelligent content is published
  • Digital and social media advertising is run
  • Constant measurement and strategic evolution

Omni-channel brand building & awareness strategies

Publishing content for brand awareness is not just a case of pumping some social media posts out and waiting. Done properly, it’s an integrated multi-channel art form that takes the best minds with the sharpest tools.

Our services include best-in-class:

View our latest Brand Awareness Work

Nobody understands the ‘blue brands’ like we do. See how we’ve helped blue brands to gain awareness.


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