Gamma Healthcare Example Post
  • Our Work

Gama Healthcare

Gama Healthcare

Platform: Meta, LinkedIn

GAMA Healthcare is a leading provider of infection prevention solutions, founded by a team of medical professionals dedicated to improving patient safety worldwide.

They develop, manufacture, and supply a comprehensive range of disinfectant products, including industry-leading wipes, hand hygiene solutions, and surface cleaning technologies. As a trusted partner to healthcare facilities globally, GAMA Healthcare is committed to delivering high-quality, effective products that help reduce the spread of infections, ensuring a safer environment for patients and healthcare professionals alike.

  • The Challenge

Educating and Engaging Healthcare Professionals in Australia

GAMA Healthcare wanted to raise awareness about their Clinell product range among healthcare professionals across Australia. The challenge was to create a compelling educational campaign that could reach hospitals (both public and private) while effectively communicating the unique selling points (USPs) of Clinell wipes and surface disinfection products.

Although GAMA Healthcare had an established presence globally, they sought to increase brand awareness in Australia, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic when hygiene standards were more critical than ever. The primary goal was not immediate sales but to build a targeted audience that could later be retargeted in future campaigns.

Gamma Healthcare Example Post
  • The Challenge

Educating and Engaging Healthcare Professionals in Australia

GAMA Healthcare wanted to raise awareness about their Clinell product range among healthcare professionals across Australia. The challenge was to create a compelling educational campaign that could reach hospitals (both public and private) while effectively communicating the unique selling points (USPs) of Clinell wipes and surface disinfection products.

Although GAMA Healthcare had an established presence globally, they sought to increase brand awareness in Australia, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic when hygiene standards were more critical than ever. The primary goal was not immediate sales but to build a targeted audience that could later be retargeted in future campaigns.

Gamma Healthcare Example Post
  • The Strategy

Disinfect and Direct

Our strategy focused on creating a multi-layered approach that integrated video content, LinkedIn ads, and expert education. To establish a meaningful connection with healthcare professionals, we produced a video ad featuring industry experts to communicate the benefits and effectiveness of Clinell products.

Using LinkedIn Ads, we targeted Australian hospitals, ensuring that the content reached the decision-makers and professionals who could benefit most from GAMA’s solutions. The educational campaign emphasised the importance of surface disinfection in healthcare environments and highlighted Clinell’s superior efficacy in infection control.

To further enhance brand awareness, we captured a wide audience in this initial phase of the campaign, intending to retarget these users with more specific content in the next phase.

  • The Strategy

Disinfect and Direct

Our strategy focused on creating a multi-layered approach that integrated video content, LinkedIn ads, and expert education. To establish a meaningful connection with healthcare professionals, we produced a video ad featuring industry experts to communicate the benefits and effectiveness of Clinell products.

Using LinkedIn Ads, we targeted Australian hospitals, ensuring that the content reached the decision-makers and professionals who could benefit most from GAMA’s solutions. The educational campaign emphasised the importance of surface disinfection in healthcare environments and highlighted Clinell’s superior efficacy in infection control.

To further enhance brand awareness, we captured a wide audience in this initial phase of the campaign, intending to retarget these users with more specific content in the next phase.

  • The Result

Widespread Awareness and Long-Term Engagement

While immediate purchases were not the goal, the campaign established a strong foundation for future retargeting efforts, helping GAMA Healthcare build long-term brand awareness and educate key players in the healthcare industry.

The video ad resonated well, demonstrating the importance of infection control and the reliability of Clinell products. By establishing a strong presence in the minds of healthcare professionals, GAMA Healthcare set the stage for deeper brand loyalty, further strengthening its foothold in the Australian market.

Through a targeted combination of expert-led video content, precise LinkedIn ads, and educational outreach, GAMA Healthcare successfully built brand awareness for their Clinell product range across Australian hospitals.

This multi-layered strategy enhanced engagement with healthcare professionals, educated key industry figures about the importance of surface disinfection, and laid the groundwork for future retargeting efforts. As a result, GAMA Healthcare has strengthened its presence in Australia, positioning Clinell as a trusted solution in infection prevention.

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