• Our Work

Hocking Stuart

Hocking Stuart Armadale

Platform: Facebook and Instagram

hockingstuart, now known as Belle Property, is one of Melbourne’s premier Real Estate Agencies.

  • The Challenge

High class homes, high class social media

Situated in one of Melbourne’s wealthiest areas, hockingstuart Armadale consistently deals with high class homes and high class customers. Such a brand requires only the best, high class social media content.

On face value it seems easy, if you’ve got pretty houses, you’ve got pretty content? Not so! The presentation of such houses on social media brings with it high expectations. Plus, it’s not always just about the house, it’s about the community, the lifestyles and the area.

  • The Challenge

High Class homes, High Class Social.

Situated in one of Melbourne’s wealthiest areas, Hocking Stuart Armadale consistently deals with high class homes and high class customers. Such a brand requires only the best, high class social media content.

Pretty houses, surely?

On face value it seems easy, if you’ve got pretty houses, you’ve got pretty content? Not so! The presentation of such houses on Social Media brings with it high expectations. Plus, it’s not always just about the house, it’s about the community, the lifestyles, the area.

  • The Strategy

Class and style all at once

Having great content to start with helped a lot. Utilising hockingstuart’s brand style guide combined with the excellent visuals meant the promotion of their stocklist could be visually appealing.

  • The Strategy

Class and style all at once

Having great content to start with helped a lot. Utilising Hocking Stuart’s brand style guide combined with the excellent visuals meant the promotion of their stocklist could be visually appealing

Lifestyle melded in.

Leveraging relationships with local cafes, businesses and community groups meant that we could create and publish content that explored what it meant to live in the area and how wonderful things could be.

  • The Result

Sold! To the man on the left.

Improved exposure for both the brand and their vendors can mean only one thing – more houses sold.

Engagements up 300%, Impressions up 500%.

Picking up from another agency who perhaps hadn’t leveraged things as well as possible, we were able to immediately (within a week) lift engagements up by 300% and impressions up by 500%. The numbers don’t stop, with follower numbers doubling within the first 6 weeks.

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